Investors In People



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TRAINKEY      THE Database for Investors in People


Invest in People – not paper

 TrainKey is a database that is a core component  for managing the Investors in People process. Clearly the one snag with IIP is the amount of paper generated to communicate the Plan. This takes time and money.

TrainKey is the quick return ticket


 TrainKey reduces your paper based systems to manageable levels.

Confidential data is secure  and  backed up daily. This is your information gathering tool.

Access what you need when you need it!  Be in TOTAL CONTROL.


Objectives, Priorities, Personnel Data, Courses ,Course Providers, Managers, Scheduled Courses, Attendance Details, Forms, P.D.I. Information, Groups, Departments, Divisions, Locations, Dates, Dates, Dates, Document Issue, Qualifications, Special Requirements, Feedback, Reviews, Budget Cost, Total Cost, Time Cost, Travel Cost, ANY Cost………..


 TRAINKEY is written in Microsoft  Access  and is therefore compatible with Microsoft Office. Import existing data into the system. and  export it.

Graph it , analyse it in a spreadsheet, pop into Powerpoint, send out the Word. – the choice is yours.

 First Class  information is produced with the minimum of run in time and training.  Create your own queries and reports. Network the data enabling data input and   secure sharing.

We offer a Personal Service.

Although TrainKey  comes as a ready to use system  we can offer  a system analysis service and tailor the product to your individual needs. The needs to fit your Organisation.



Our aim is to provide you with a system which will be an asset to assist you in aspiring to the goals of the Investors in People process. You want to get the most out of your time, effort and training. We are sure Trainkey  will be the system to help you achieve this.

If you want to take the test drive contact us at Pen and Disk.

 Contact  Us on 01642 327394 or E Mail